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Offer your products, know our services. With us you can count on quality merchandise on site and attentiveness to your every request

Get to know us

About Gecomex

En Gecomex puede encontrar la oportunidad de comerciar con Cuba. Contamos con Capital Humano altamente calificado y con las garantías organizativas y tecnológicas necesarias. Brindamos un amplio portafolio de servicios vinculados al Comercio Exterior y a facilitar los negocios de importación y exportación, así como sus servicios asociados.

“Offer your products now; learn more about our services…we will facilitate your business.”

Service Portfolio
Service Portfolio

We offer a wide range of services aim to satisfy our clients and suppliers requirements

Our Companies

En orden de desarrollar la cartera de servicios, al grupo lo integra las siguientes compañías, que como grupo ejecuta más del 20 % de las importaciones y más del 3% de las exportaciones de bienes para el país.

Gecomex as a group represents a large percentage of Cuba importations and exportations

And we are growing
1 %
% of the countries importations
1 %
Growth in comparison 2018
1 %
% of the countries exportations
1 %
Growth in comparison 2018


Who may invest in Cuba?

Natural or legal persons with legal address and capitals abroad, who participate as shareholder in a joint venture, or participate in a totally foreign capital company, or appear as part of an international economic association contract may invest in Cuba.

Which are the reasons to invest in Cuba?

Existence of a secure and transparent legal framework.

Availability of port, road, railway and communications infrastructure adequate to the needs of foreign investment.

Representation institutions at the service of investors, with highly qualified staff.

Political, social and legal stability.

Favorable geographical location.

Availability of natural resources

How to do business in Cuba?

You may download the updated guidebook on the requirements and steps to follow by those interested in doing business in Cuba through ProCuba portal web by clicking here


Contact us today

Reach out to us for any inquiry or suggestions, we would love to hear from you

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