Offer your products, know our services. With us you can count on quality merchandise on site and attentiveness to your every request
About us
Gecomex es el Grupo Empresarial de Comercio Exterior creado en junio de 2013.
El Grupo está integrado por 14 empresas con personalidad jurídica propia y patrimonio independiente, que realizan servicios vinculados al comercio exterior, siendo muchas de ellas las de mayor experiencia en este sector en el país, sustentadas en representaciones comerciales en los principales mercados de incidencia, como son Asia y América Latina.
Since its creation, the Group has played a key role in Cuna’s industrial development, providing supplies in key areas of the economy, such as the food industry, the industrial and agricultural development, education, health and sports, through purchase concentration with an incidence in the consolidation of the wholesale trade in the country.
To develop international commercial operations of goods and services executed by professionals in the activity, achieving the best quality-price ratio and business opportunity for all economic actors and other interested parties.
We are a specialized group that grows and adapts to the environment, with an image in line with the challenges faced by the country, capable of energizing international trade, with presence in the main commercial areas of the world that favors the development and diversification of markets and products, that generate greater added value for all economic actors, achieving sustainability and prosperity in the development of Cuban foreign trade.
Meet our team
Has a human capital trained and committed to meeting the objectives set, the regulations for the health and safety of its workers and the environment, thus ensuring the continuous improvement, suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of its Quality Management System.

We offer a wide range of services aim to satisfy our clients and suppliers requirements
Service Portfolio
We offer a wide range of services aim to satisfy our clients and suppliers requirements
Contact us today
Reach out to us for any inquiry or suggestions, we would love to hear from you
- 23rd Street, No 55 and P, 2nd floor, Vedado, Plaza de la Revolucion, Havana, Cuba (CP 10400)
- infogecomex@gecomex.cu
- (+53) 7 838 0506, (+53) 7 838 8649